Q: How do I order things from Animal Factory?
A: Ordering is extremely simple. Here is how to do it
Through social media - Simply message us with your specific order. (It may take a bit for us to respond) We would prefer if you list what you want to order clearly and with the catalogue number, your PayPal information and the address you wish to send it to.Through email - It's the same thing as sending it through social media. But make sure the subject is named "Order, Order Request, etc."
Q: Do you keep email and mailing addresses after the order is shipped?
A: No. As soon as the order is shipped all of your information will be discarded. We will only mail you your order and nothing else. We promise we won't be an invasion of your privacy. :)Q: What form of payment do you take?
A: At the moment, we currently only take PayPal. We are looking to expand to other forms of payment in the near future.
Q: How durable are the stickers?
A: We cover our stickers in two coats of transparent acrylic, which helps prevent it from certain ailments, including protecting it from water. (THIS DOES NOT COMPLETELY PROTECT IT FROM WATER)Q: I'm not satisfied with the quality of the stickers sent to me. Can I get a refund?
A: Your order has a two week money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the order, please send us an email with your reason for dissatisfaction and pictures of the product and we will be sure to refund you right away.Q: What do you use to make the stickers?
A: For the designs, we use a variety of graphic editing software such as Clip Studio Paint and vector manipulation programs like Adobe Illustartor. For actually making the stickers, we use a Cricut Explore Air 2.Q: Do you take cryptocurrency?
A: No.Q: Will you ever take cryptocurrency?
A: Not on your life, sport.